The objective in a game of Quill is to write a letter using the provided words in “The Ink Pot” and get the highest score at the end of the scenario. Points are scored in the following ways:

  • Using Superior Words: Each Superior Word from “The Ink Pot” used in your letter is worth 1 point.
  • Passing Penmanship Tests: After completing each paragraph, you must take a Penmanship test. A successful test is worth 1 point.
  • Using Flourishes: You can enhance words in your letter with adjectives or adverbs, called Flourishes, before rolling your Language dice. If the word is a Superior Word, a Flourish earns 2 points; however, a Flourished Inferior Word reduces your final score by 1 point.

Gameplay Link to heading

Setup Link to heading

  • Choose a character, each with their strengths (Good, Average, Poor) in Penmanship, Language, and Heart. These attributes determine how many dice you roll: Poor = 1 die, Average = 2 dice, and Good = 3 dice.
  • Select a Skill that can be used once per scenario to gain an advantage.
  • Choose a scenario to determine the recipient and purpose of your letter.

Writing the Letter Link to heading

  • Carefully review the scenario’s Profile, Correspondence Rules, and Ink Pot.
  • Write a five-paragraph letter using only one word from the Ink Pot per paragraph.
  • Roll your Language dice when using a word from the Ink Pot. A roll of 5 or 6 allows you to use the Superior Word; any other result requires you to use the Inferior Word.
  • Perform a Penmanship test after each completed paragraph by rolling your Penmanship dice.
  • You may only use your chosen Skill once during the scenario.

Scoring Link to heading

  • Add up your total score after writing the fifth and final paragraph.
  • Refer to the scenario’s consequences table to determine the recipient’s reaction to your letter based on your score. Scores generally fall into these ranges: less than 5 points (unsuccessful), 5-7 points (tepid reception), 8-10 (favorable reception), and 11+ points (excellent reception).

The Quill game provides additional supplements that offer variations on these core rules, such as themed scenarios, new character classes and abilities, and campaign settings.