It can be challenging to differentiate between hopes for the future and fantasy about a different life. Here are a few ways to help distinguish between the two:

  • Consider the likelihood: Fantasies are often based on unrealistic or unlikely scenarios, while hopes for the future are more grounded in reality. Take a step back and ask yourself if what you envision is feasible and likely to happen.
  • Evaluate the effort required: Hopes for the future often need effort and planning, while fantasies tend to be more passive. If you’re unwilling to work to make your vision a reality, it’s likely more of an illusion.
  • Consider the long term: Fantasies focus on short-term pleasure or satisfaction, while hopes for the future consider the bigger picture and long-term goals and happiness.
  • Reflect on your values: Your hopes should align with yours; if not, it’s more of a fantasy. Take a moment to consider what is truly important to you and whether what you envision aligns with those values.
  • Seek feedback: Share your thoughts and hopes with someone you trust and ask for their honest feedback. They can offer a different perspective and help you distinguish between what is realistic and what is fantasy.