We are all human beings, being human.
Philosophy Link to heading
Yes, and… Name things once. Assume good intentions. Only ask for permission once. Simplicity is hard but essential. Use one file until you need another. Use one folder until you need another. Submit to defaults until you have a strong reason to deviate.
Deeply think, learn constantly, make unexpected connections, and articulate complex ideas with confidence in a strategic vision.
Who I Am Link to heading
A former US Army paratrooper and Ranger. I have worked in large and very large corporations, small startups, and middling scale-ups where I specialize in learning new skills.
I hold a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from the University at Albany and continue learning daily through challenges, conversations, and skill acquisition.
Beyond Work Link to heading
When not solving complex problems, you might find me:
- Traversing backcountry trails with everything I need on my back.
- Exploring far-flung corners of the world.
- Crafting perfect balance in a cocktail glass.
- Finding rhythm and meaning in spoken and written word.
Connect Link to heading
The simplest way to reach me: [email protected]. Add me to your contacts: Download vCard
Colophon Link to heading
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The views expressed here are my own. They are not endorsed, approved, or reviewed by any other person or organization.